Mathieu Lavedrine

Mathieu Lavedrine

Right to repair

2 stories

An ornate fireplace and mantlepiece. There is a roaring fire in the grate. Over the mantlepiece is an AR-15 assault rifle, surmounted by Apple’s ‘Think Different’ wordmark. The scene is pockmarked with bullet-holes. Image: Mitch Barrie (modified) CC BY-SA 2.0 — kambanji (modified) CC BY
EFF’s printer DRM banner by Hugh D’Andrade, depicting a printer with an anthropomorphic sick face vomiting out four bars of ink.” Image: EFF/Hugh D’Andrade CC BY 3.0
Mathieu Lavedrine

Mathieu Lavedrine


2 stories

The Deep Purple iPhone 14 Pro Max.
Mathieu Lavedrine

Mathieu Lavedrine

Bad trends

1 story

A modified version of the Beacon Press cover for ‘Chokepoint Capitalism’ featuring the title and a stylized horizontal hourglass graphic; the logo for Twitch is superimposed over the pinch-point and the wordmark for Twitch is beneath it.
Mathieu Lavedrine

Mathieu Lavedrine

2h37'46 Marathon runner. M2 French Champion. Middle-age. Late starter. Data driven.